Healthy Cities National Network of Türkiye © 2025
All Rights Reserved
Purpose, Scope, Establishment, Legal Basis and Definitions
Article 1- (1) To strongly represent Turkey, within the WHO European Healthy Cities National Networks formed by member states, and within WHO European Healthy Cities Networks formed by cities in member states of the World Health Organization (WHO), which is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
(2) To gather municipalities together to create healthy cities and a platform to share information and experience.
(3) To support sustainable development goals.
(4) To support efforts to reduce inequalities within and between urban areas and to assist the development of healthy cities.
(5) This statute covers the organization of the Turkish Healthy Cities Association.
Article 2- (1) This Statute covers the activities, principles and procedures of the Turkish Healthy Cities Association.
Establishment and Legal Basis
Article 3- (1) The Turkish Healthy Cities Association was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 2004/8226 dated 13/12/2004; The decision of the Council of Ministers was published in the Official Gazette No 25678, dated 22/12/2004. This statute was prepared based on Articles 5 and 22 of Law No. 5355 on Associations of Local Authorities.
Article 4- (1) In this Statue;
a) Association and THCA means Turkish Healthy Cities Association,
b) Chairperson means the President of the Association:
c) Council means Association’s Council
d) Executive Board means the Executive Board of the Association,
e) Bodies of the Association means Association’s Council, Association’s Executive Board and Chairperson of the Association,
f) Governor means the Governor of Bursa.
Association’s Name, Headquarters, Members, Activity Field and Duration
Name of the Association
Article 5- (1) The Association is called the Turkish Healthy Cities Association. The acronym of the association is “THCA”.
Headquarters of the Association
Article 6- (1) The headquarters of the Association is in the city of Bursa.
Members of the Association
Article 7- (1) The metropolitan member municipalities of the Association are:
a) Antalya Metropolitan Municipality
b) Aydın Metropolitan Municipality
c) Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality
d) Bursa Metropolitan Municipality
e) Denizli Metropolitan Municipality
f) Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality
g) Hatay Metropolitan Municipality
h) Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
i) Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
j) Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality
k) Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality
l) Mardin Metropolitan Municipality
m) Mersin Metropolitan Municipality
n) Muğla Metropolitan Municipality
o) Ordu Metropolitan Municipality
p) Samsun Metropolitan Municipality
q) Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality
(2) Provincial member municipalities of the Association are:
a) Bilecik Municipality
b) Burdur Municipality
c) Çankırı Municipality
d) Edirne Municipality
e) Isparta Municipality,
f) Kırıkkale Municipality
g) Kırşehir Municipality
h) Osmaniye Municipality
i) Şırnak Municipality
j) Yalova Municipality
(3) The district member municipalities of the Association are:
a) Afyonkarahisar: Dinar Municipality, Sandıklı Municipality
b) Ankara: Çankaya Municipality
c) Antalya: Gazipaşa Municipality
d) Aydın: Didim Municipality, Yenipazar Municipality
e) Balıkesir: Bandırma Municipality, Burhaniye Municipality, Karesi Municipality
f) Bartın: Amasra Municipality
g) Bursa: İnegöl Municipality, Mudanya Municipality, Nilüfer Municipality, Osmangazi Municipality
h) Çorum: Osmancık Municipality
i) Denizli: Merkezefendi Municipality, Pamukkale Municipality
j) Eskişehir: Odunpazarı Municipality, Tepebaşı Municipality
k) Giresun: Tirebolu Municipality,
l) Istanbul: Adalar Municipality, Beşiktaş Municipality, Kadikoy Municipality, Pendik Municipality
m) Izmir: Balçova Municipality, Bayındır Municipality, Karşıyaka Municipality, Urla Municipality
n) Kastamonu: Abana Municipality
o) Kocaeli: Gebze Municipality, Gölcük Municipality, Körfez Municipality
p) Malatya: Akçadağ Municipality, Darende Municipality
q) Mersin: Aydıncık Municipality, Mezitli Municipality, Toroslar Municipality
r) Muğla: Menteşe Municipality
s) Nevşehir: Avanos Municipality, Urgup Municipality
t) Osmaniye: Kadirli Municipality
u) Sakarya: Serdivan Municipality
v) Tekirdağ: Malkara Municipality
w) Trabzon: Ortahisar Municipality
x) Yalova: Altınova Municipality
Activity Field and Duration of the Association
Article 8- (1) The activity field of the Association is limited to the jurisdictions of the member municipalities; the duration of the Association is unlimited.
General Provisions Regarding the Association
Duties and Powers of the Association
Article 9- (1) The Association fulfills its duties and gives services for supporting and to the benefit of its members in the following areas:
a) To represent member municipalities in Turkey and abroad, to support international relations and cooperation between municipalities and to facilitate their access to international networks,
b) To cooperate with public institutions and organizations, local administrations, universities, non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and chambers and similar national and international organizations on the matters that will help the development of local administrations, and to carry out joint service projects and to provide support based on council decisions,
c) Using common plans, projects and research, to cooperate and share experiences among member municipalities for reducing inequalities in all urban and environmental matters related to health with the ultimate goal of creating livable and healthy cities,
d) Supporting research projects, postgraduate thesis’ and doctoral thesis related to local administrations for the creation of recommendations; to commission research, reports and publications, to commission development reports and evaluations to scholars, experts and practitioners,
e) To express opinions related to legislative issues that concern municipalities and are related to the activity field of the Association, to request information on legislation preparations, to participate in the activities of commissions of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and other authorities,
f) To make all kinds of written and visual publications related to urban health, to carry out research and development activities, to support scientific studies in the field of local administrations,
g) To carry out activities such as congresses, conferences, seminars, panels, workshops with the participation of chairpersons, council members and staff of local administrations and their affiliates to disseminate of good practices, share knowledge and experience, and to organize internal and external events with the same goals and provide accommodation, transportation and other services,
h) To carry out or support social responsibility projects in the field of local administrations,
i) To organize and / or participate in cultural, sports, educational and scientific events and competitions, which are open to participation at local, regional, national and international levels,
j) To create dialogue and cooperation between the member municipalities and members of the World Health Organization European Healthy Cities Network and to assist in strengthening relations,
k) To support municipalities in preparation of city health profiles.
Population and Membership Criteria of the Association
Article 10- (1) Membership to the Association; members are accepted by the council of the Association based on an application by the applicant city the relevant council decision.
(2) Membership to the Association is based on the following population criteria of the cities they belong to:
a) 1 member municipality from provinces with a population up to 100,000
b) 2 member municipalities from provinces with a population between 100.001 – 500.000,
c) 3 member municipalities from provinces with a population between 500.001 – 1.000.000,
d) 4 member municipalities from provinces with a population between 1.000.001 – 2.500.000
e) 5 member municipalities from provinces with a population of 2.500.001 and above,
Cities that apply for membership may become members of the Turkish Healthy Cities Association. The number of municipalities in provinces in the above membership criteria includes metropolitan, provincial and district municipalities.
Rights, Powers and Responsibilities of Association Members
Article 11 – (1) Municipalities, who are members of the Association, have the responsibility to benefit from the services of the Association, to participate in the Association administration, to be represented in the bodies of the Association and to pay their share in the expenses of the Association.
(2) The Association’s legal entity is responsible for any agreements and commitments made on behalf of the Association.
(3) This responsibility, which is limited to the assets of the Association, shall in no way bind the legal personality of the member municipalities.
Resignation from Association Membership
Article 12- (1) Member municipalities may leave Association with the decision of their councils. However, resigning municipalities must fulfill their obligations to the Association and pay any debts within 1 month from the date of their decision to leave.
Liquidation of the Association
Article 13- (1) The Association may be liquidated by the decision of two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the Association’s Council.
(2) The liquidation of the Association shall be carried out by three public officials appointed by the administrative authority located in the city of the Association’s headquarters. Liquidation procedures shall be concluded within one year at the latest. The assets of the Association shall be distributed according to the decisions taken by the Association council and according to the participation rates of the members in the Association assets, and if the participation rates are not certain, assets shall be distributed in proportion to the population of members.
Bodies of the Association
Article 14- (1) The decision-making bodies of the Association are as follows;
a) Council of the Association,
b) Executive Board of the Association,
c) Chairperson of the Association.
Formation of Council of the Association
Article 15- (1) The Council of the Association is its decision-making body and consists of elected members and natural members. Mayors of member municipalities are natural members of the Association Council. There are no other natural members. The full number of members of the Assembly includes natural members. Natural members may appoint one of the councilors to represent them in the Council of the Association. Each member of the Council may only exercise the authority of one natural member.
(2) The Association Council shall be constituted by natural members and members of the council, which shall be elected among council members of member municipalities or persons outside member municipalities, provided that they meet the conditions to be elected as a council members. The number of members to be elected from outside member municipalities may not exceed one third of those elected from the municipal councils.
(3) The municipalities applying for membership shall appoint council members based on the population of their province. Mayors, who are natural members, are not included in the list below.
a) 1 council member in municipalities up to a population of 100.000;
b) 2 council members in municipalities with a population between 100.001 and 1.000.000;
c) 3 council members in municipalities with a population over 1.000.001; shall be assigned to take part in the council of the Association.
(4) The term of office of the council members of the Association shall be limited to the election period of the local administrations. The membership to the Council ends when the mayor’s or councilor’s term expires. If a council member’s membership is annulled for any reason, he/she may not be elected as a member of the Council of the Association in the subsequent periods.
Duties and Powers of the Council
Article 16- (1) The duties and powers of the Council are:
a) To discuss and accept investment plans, strategic plans, activity reports and work programs of the Association.
b) To accept the budget and the final account and to make transfers between units where corporate coding was made and the first levels of the functional classification.
c) To decide on borrowing.
d) To decide on the purchase, sale, leasing or exchange of immovable property.
e) To determine the fee tariff for services to be provided by the Association.
f) Accept conditional donations.
g) To decide on the legal settlements of Association receivables, ranging from two thousand Turkish Liras to ten thousand Turkish Liras.
h) To purchase the real estates owned by public institutions and organizations in accordance with the development plans, to accept such as donations, to rent, to lease, to establish the right to use immovable, and to implement build-operate-transfer models.
i) To elect the Chairperson of the Association, the members of the Association and the members of the specialized council of the Assembly.
j) To decide on the establishment of units belonging to the Association, to create and annul functions in the organization of the Association.
k) To accept amendments to the Association’s Statute.
l) To accept regulations made by the Association.
m) To resolve disagreements between the Chairperson of the Association and the Executive Board.
n)To decide on to cooperation, memberships, projects with external partners.
o) To determine wages of the contracted and partially contracted personnel to be employed under the Municipal Law No. 5393.
p) To decide on the purchase of vehicles under the Vehicle Law No. 237.
q) To decide on services to be rendered in future years.
r) To decide on the dissolution of the Association;
s) To decide on to cooperate with international organizations, municipalities and other organizations in accordance with international affairs and international agreements.
t) To use national and international loans to reach the objectives of the Association’s and to present immovable of the Association as guarantee.
u) To allocate, rent and operate real estates of the Association in accordance with the purpose of use;
v) To determine the emblem and logo of the Association.
w) To perform other duties assigned to the Council by legislation.
Chairpersonship Council
Article 17- (1) The Council of the Association is invited to meet by the Governor of the province where the headquarters of the Association is located within thirty days of the announcement of the election results by the Supreme Committee of Elections in the Official Gazette. The day, agenda and place of the meeting to be held within the thirty-day period by the Chairpersonship of the Association shall be notified to the members three days before the meeting.
(2) The Council meets under the Chairpersonship of the oldest member and elects the Chairperson of the Association, the First and Second Chairpersons of the Council and the Secretary Members of the Council by secret ballot to serve for the first two years. After the first two years, the Chairpersonship Council members shall be elected to serve until the first local government elections.
(3) The Council is presided over by the Chairperson of the Association, or the First Chairperson in the absence of the President, or the Second Chairperson in the absence of the First Chairperson of the Council. However, the Council meeting where the Annual Activity report is evaluated shall be made under the Presidency of the First Chairperson of the Council. Should there be a vacancy on the Chairpersonship Council, a new member is elected to complete the remaining term. The Chairperson of the Council is responsible for keeping order during the Council’s work.
Council Meeting
Article 18- (1) The Council of the Association shall convene in April or May and September or October every year and on the day determined by the Chairperson of the Association. The meeting place may be located outside the city of the Association’s headquarters.
(2) The Council shall convene with the absolute majority of the total number of its members and take decisions with the absolute majority of the participants. The decision quorum cannot be less than a quarter of the total number of members of the council. If the necessary quorum is not met, the meeting will be postponed 3 days by the chairperson. The second meeting shall be opened with members not less than one fourth of the number of members and decisions shall be taken by the absolute majority of the participants. In case of equality in the voting, the decision shall be made based on the vote of the Chairperson of the council. In the event of an equal vote in secret ballot, the voting shall be repeated; if the tie is not broken the decision shall be based on a draw.
(3) The agenda of the Council shall be determined by the Chairperson of the Association and notified to the members at least three days prior to the meeting date. At the meeting of the Assembly, the Chairperson of the Association and the members of the council may propose that the issues related to the works of the Association be put on the agenda, and such proposals are put on the agenda if accepted with the simple majority of the participants.
(4) The mayors in the council may authorize one of their municipal councilors to represent him/her in the Council meetings.
(5) The Chairperson of the Association shall summon an extraordinary Council meeting upon the reasoned proposal of one-third of the members of the Council or in case of an emergency. The call for extraordinary meetings and the agenda are announced in writing to the members of the Council at least three days in advance and announced. In the extraordinary meetings, matters other than the meeting agenda requiring the call cannot be discussed.
(6) Assembly meetings are open. Upon the reasoned proposal of the Chairperson of the Council or any of the members, it can be decided to hold a closed session with the participation of the simple majority of the participants. The council meetings are recorded by the officials and signed by the Chairperson and the clerk. Meetings can be recorded by voice and video devices by the decision of the council.
(7) The provisions of the Municipal Law No. 5393 concerning the municipal councils apply should there be no provision in this Statute regarding the Association Council meetings, decisions, finalization of the decisions, working principles and procedures, acquisition and control of information, termination of Council membership, election of members of Council Committees, and obligations of the Council members.
Finalization of Council Decisions and Entry into Force
Article 19 – (1) The decisions taken by the Council shall be sent to the Chairperson of the Association. The Chairperson of the Association shall send back any council decision he deems to be unlawful. If the Council insists on its decision or if the Chairperson sends the decision to the civilian authority within five days or if no action is taken during this period, the decisions shall be finalized.
(2) Decisions on amendment of the Statute shall be finalized with the approval of the relevant Ministry and shall enter into force.
Specialized Commissions
Article 20- (1) Specialization commissions may be established with the decision of the Council on matters under the power of the Association. Council commission are established by a decision of the Association Council electing five members at most from the Council. No municipality shall have no more than one member in each commission. Experts may be employed in the work of commission.
(2) In case of its establishment; specialized commissions are elected at the first meeting of the year.
Association Executive Board
Article 21 – (1) The Executive Board consists of the Chairperson of the Association and 7 members to be elected by the Council from among its members for a term of one year. Executive Board elections are held at the first meeting of the new term and by secret ballot. Members can be re-elected. If an Executive Board member vacates the Executive Board for any reason before the due date, a new member is elected. Council members shall be members of different local administrative units.
(2) The Chairperson of the Association is the Chairperson of the executive board. In the absence of the Chairperson, this duty shall be carried out by one of the members of the council to be appointed by the Chairperson. The executive board meets once a month. In case of necessity, the Chairperson may call for an executive board meeting in case of emergency.
(3) The members of the Executive Board, which elected within the year shall serve until the beginning of a new term. The membership to the Executive Board ends if the person’s council membership ends.
(4) The Executive Board shall convene with the absolute majority of the total number of members and take decisions with the absolute majority of the participants. In the case of equality of votes, the decision shall be taken based on the vote of the Chairperson. Abstaining votes cannot be used.
(5) The Council’s agenda is determined by the Chairperson. The members of the Executive Board may propose an agenda item with the consent of the chairperson. Issues not referred to by the chairperson may not be discussed. The issues referred to the Executive Board are discussed and resolved within a month.
(6) The members of the executive board shall be elected from different member municipalities.
(7) In case of dissolution of the Council, its duties shall be carried out by a delegation of five persons to be appointed by the governor located at the city of the headquarters of the Association until the formation of the new Assembly.
(8) In cases where there is no provision on the meetings, decisions and working principles and procedures of the Executive Board, the provisions of the Municipal Law on municipal councils shall apply.
Duties and powers of the Executive Board
Article 22- (1) The duties and powers of the Executive Board are as follows:
a) Investigating the investment plan, the strategic plan and the work program, the budget and the final account and submitting its opinion to the Assembly of the Association.
b) To decide on public utilities required by expropriation procedures;
c) To allot unexpected expenses;
d) To make transfers between the second level of the functional classification of the budget;
e) To penalize according to the law;
f) To decide on legal settlements of cases up to two thousand Turkish Liras;
g) To carry out the transactions related to the lease and leasing, to decide on the lease and leasing transactions other than to those under the authority of the Council.
h) To implement the council decisions regarding the purchase, sale, leasing and exchange of immovable property.
i) To determine the amount of additional payments to be made to those assigned in the Association in accordance with the Law No. 5355 on Associations of Local Governments;
j) To decide which officers will be paid premiums and on the amount to be paid in accordance with the Municipal Law No. 5393;
k) To determine the fees to be paid for lessons to those who work in the training activities of the Association such as courses, conferences and to determine fees to be paid for research, reporting and similar activities and works to be included in written or visual publications, excluding the works to be performed by service procurements.
l) To decide which thesis, doctoral thesis, medical specialty and research project will be supported and the nature of the support and amount;
m) To perform other duties assigned to the Executive Board by law.
n) To decide on the Committees, membership criteria and members of the Committees.
Chairperson of the Association
Article 23- (1) The Chairperson of the Association is the head of the Association administration and the representative of the Association’s legal entity.
(2) The Council of the Association elects the Chairperson of the Association for the first two years from among the mayors, by secret ballot, at the first meeting after the announcement of the results of the local elections. After the first two years, the chairperson of the Association is elected similar to the other members of the chairpersons council as explained in article 17 of this statute.
Duties and Powers of the Chairperson of the Association
Article 24- (1) The duties and powers of the Chairperson of the Association are as follows:
a) To manage and protect the interests of the Association as the head and top supervisor of the legal entity,
b) To prepare, implement, monitor and evaluate the budget, the final account, the investment plan, the strategic plan and the work program, and to submit the annual activity report to the council,
c) To represent or appoint a representative for the Association in Turkey and abroad, in official and private institutions, as a defendant or plaintiff in jurisdictions,
d) To chair the Association’s Council and its Executive Board,
e) To manage the movable and immovable property of the Association,
f) To follow up and collect the revenues and receivables of the Association,
g) To make contracts based on the decision of the competent bodies,
h) To implement the decisions of the Association Council and the Executive Board of the Association,
i) To make transfers other than those under the authority of the Association Council and the Association Executive Board,
j) To appoint staff of the Association,
k) To audit the Association,
l) To accept unconditional donations;
m) To call the Council of the Association to meet,
n) To carry out the duties and use the powers assigned to the Association by law and without the decision of the Association Council or the Executive Board of the Association.
(2) The chairperson of the Association may delegate his authorities to the Director of the Association with a directive which he considers appropriate.
Organization and Officers of the Association
Organization of the Association
Article 25 – (1) Organization of the Association; The Association organization consists of units to be agreed on by the Council, under the direction of the Director of the Association, in accordance with the permanent staff and with the purpose of fulfilling the duties and using the authorities assigned by this Statute.
(2) Officers working in public institutions and organizations can be appointed to the Association’s staff in accordance with the principles and procedures laid down in the Municipal Law. In such appointments, all financial and social rights the relevant person is entitled to in his/her institution continue however, with the Association Executive Board’s decision, s/he may receive additional payment which does not exceed the total amount of salary and other payments s/he receives from the original institution.
(3) The awards, bonuses, indemnities and other financial and social rights of the Association personnel shall be governed by Law on Local Administration Associations No. 5355, Municipal Law No. 5393, Civil Servants Law No. 657, Public Servants Syndicates and Collective Agreements Law No 4688.
(4) The Association may employ full-time or part-time contracted personnel or workers, depending on its service needs. Chairperson of the Association has the authority to assign or employ contracted personnel. Contracted personnel may be granted signature authority with the Chairperson’s approval.
Director of the Association
Article 26 – (1) The Director of the Association is the highest level manager of the Association after the Chairperson of the Association and shall carry out the services of the Association by administering the Association organization under the responsibility of the Chairperson.
(2) At the first meeting of the council the appointment of the director of the Association and supervisors of units shall be informed to the council.
(3) The Director of the Association shall ensure that the services of the Association are carried out on behalf of the Chairperson under the relevant legislation, the Statutes of the Association and the Chairperson’s directives and responsibility. The director of the Association participates in Executive Board meetings without the right to vote.
(4) The director of the Association may delegate his responsibilities to the personnel having the title of manager.
Financial Provisions and Audit
Revenues of the Association
Article 27 – (1) The revenues of the Association are as follows:
a) Shares of Association members of municipalities to participate in the establishment and activities of the Association,
b) Fees for services to be collected according to the tariffs to be determined by the Association Council,
c) Appropriations to be transferred from other public institutions and organizations;
d) Revenues allocated to the Associations from funds allocated to the local governments;
e) Revenues from training, publishing and consulting services;
f) Revenues from business partnerships and subsidiaries of the Association;
g) Revenues from the lease, sale, or other utilization of movable and immovable properties;
h) Interest and rental income;
i) Revenues from services made on behalf of members;
j) All kinds of support and donations;
k) Assistance of international organizations,
l) Various other incomes.
Expenses of the Association
Article 28- (1) The expenses of the Association are as follows:
a) Expenses to be made for carrying out Association services,
b) Salaries, wages, allowances, remuneration, educational expenses and other expenses related to the service paid to the members of the Association and its elected bodies,
c) Fees to be paid for the courses, lessons, congresses and conferences to those who work in the training activities of the Association, and fees to be paid for research, reporting and similar activities and fees to be paid for written or visual publications,
d) Expenses for the collection of fees and other revenues to be received in return for services,
e) Expenses for the supply, construction, maintenance and repair of the service buildings, facilities and equipment of the Association,
f) Other expenses related to interest, borrowing and insurance costs,
g) Litigation and execution expenses;
h) Attorney, consultancy and audit fees,
i) Lesson, course, seminar, conference fees, publication expenses,
j) Joint services and other project expenses with public and private sector organizations,
k) Participation fees, dues and subsidies to be paid to Associations or similar local government organizations established and to be established at local, national and international levels,
l) Representation, ceremony and entertainment expenses,
m) Ad expenses,
n) Opinion polls, surveys and research expenses on Association services,
o) Any expense incurred within the scope of the duties, authorities and activities of the Association,
p) Other expenses.
Participation Shares of the Members to the Operating Expenses of the Association
Article 29- (1) (1) For the year 2018 the following amounts shall be collected from member municipalities of the Association:
a) 500 TL per year from member municipalities with a population up to 5.000,
b) 2.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 5001-15.000,
c) 4.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 15.001 and 50.000,
d) 6.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 50.001 and 100.000,
e) 10.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 100,001 to 200,000,
f) 20.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 200.001 and 500.000,
g) 40.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 500.001 and 1.000.000,
h) 60.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population between 1.000.001 – 2.500.000,
i) 80.000,00 TL per year annually from member municipalities with a population of 2.500.001 and above,
(2) Participation shares shall be deposited to the Association’s bank account by the member municipalities in two installments in March and October.
Association’s Budget
Article 30- (1) Association’s budget is a council decision, prepared in accordance with the performance program, showing income and expenditure estimates in the financial year and following two years, allowing the collection of revenues and expenditures.
(2) The draft budget of the year, prepared and approved by the Council of the Association, shall be finalized and put into force according to the procedures in Article 19 of the charter such as the other decisions of the Council of the Association.
(3) Expenditure programs and financing programs are added to the budget. The budget year is the same as the fiscal year. No expenditures can be made outside the budget.
(4) The Association Council accepts the budget of the Association in the ordinary meeting of September or October and the final account in the ordinary meeting of April or May.
(5) The budget is prepared according to the fourth level of economic classification and is discussed and accepted by the council until the second level.
Senior Executive and Spending Officer:
Article 31- (1) The spending authority of the Association is the Chairperson of the Association. The Chairperson of the Association may delegate this authority to the Director of the Association with a directive.
Work program:
Article 32- (1) The Association Council shall discuss the work program before the budget. Budgets must be prepared in accordance with the work program.
Tenders and Financial Transactions of the Association
Article 33- (1) The Association is subject to State Procurement Law No. 2886, Public Procurement Law No. 4734, Public Procurement Contracts Law No. 4735, Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018 and the Law on Court of Accounts.
Books to be kept by the Association
Article 34- (1) The Association keeps the General Assembly’s Decision Book, the Executive Board’s Decision Book, the Document Record Book, the Inventory Record Book, and the books stipulated for the Associations in the Local Governments Budget and Accounting Regulation.
Strategic Plan and Annual Report
Strategic Plan
ARTICLE 35- (1) The Chairperson of the Association presents the strategic plan in accordance with the development plan and program, and the region plan, if any, to the Association Council.
(2) The strategic plan is drawn up with the views of universities, professional chambers and non-governmental organizations interested in the subject and enters into force after being adopted by the Association Council.
(3) The strategic plan constitutes the basis for the preparation of the budget and is discussed and accepted in the Association Council before the budget.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Local Administrations and Citizens Benefiting from Association’s Services
Article 37- ( 1) Member municipalities and citizens can benefit directly or indirectly from the Association’s services, and participate in and contribute to the Association’s activities within the framework of public law principles. Citizens and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to participate in planning and project activities carried out by the Association for member municipalities. The Association makes a continuous effort to adapt and develop an understanding of local government which is democratic, participatory, and transparent; and to carry out activities to inform the public on this subject.
Issuance of Regulation
Article 38- (1) The principles and procedures regarding the enforcement of this Statute may be regulated by regulations to be adopted by the Council or directives to be issued by the Chairperson of the Association. The regulations to be issued shall be finalized and come into force according to the principles and procedures in Article 19 of this Statue.
Statute Amendments
Article 39- (1) The Association’s Statute and Statute Amendments are finalized and come into force with a two thirds majority decision of the total number of the Association’s Council members and the approval of relevant ministry.
Common Provisions
Article 40- (1) The provisions of this statute shall be applied in accordance with the Municipal Law No. 5393 on the issues listed in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the Article 22 of the Law.
Repealed Legislation
Article 41- (1) Statue no. 2005/9 dated 13/9/2005 has been repealed.
Article 42- (1) The Statute of the Association enters into force upon the approval of the Association Council and the approval of the relevant ministry.
Article 43- (1) The provisions of this Statute shall be executed by the Chairperson of the Association.