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Clean World Conference tookplace in Bursa


“Let’s do it” is a movementlaunched in 2008, in Estonia of 50.000 people’scollectively cleaning upandaiming to cleanup a givencountryentirely, in justoneday. A globalmovement on cleaningreachedupto 11 millionparticipants in 112 countriestoday, “Let’s do it” is an accreditedmember of the United Nations Environment Programme.

Startingwith 4 citiesand 1222 volunteers in Turkey as from 2012, themovementwassupportedbymanymunicipalities in alloverTurkey, overthelastyear.

The “Clean World” conferencethattakesplace in differentcountriesannualy, washeldbetween 28thand 31stJanuary 2016, in Bursa. OrganizedbyCivil Life Association, supportedbyMeropolitanMunicipality of Bursa, Development Agency of Bilecik-Eskişehir-Bursa, HealthyCitiesAssociation, City Council of Bursa andthenewspaper ‘Ekometre’, theconferencehostedapproximately 200 peoplefrominternationalnon-governmentalorganizations.

Alongwiththerepresentatives of ouraffiliatedmembersMetropolitanMunicipality of Antalya, Karesi Municipality, Pendik Municipality, Karşıyaka Municipality, Osmancık Municipality, members of theAdvisory Board attendedthisactivitythatlastedfor 3 days.

Theopeningspeeches of the 3 dayconferencethemed “A Strategyfor Global Cleaning”, weregivenbyHead of theEnvironmentalProtectionand Development Department of Bursa Metropolitanand Project Coordinator of HealthyCities – Nalan Fidan anddeputygovernor of Bursa – İbrahim Avcı.

Director of HealthyCitiesAssociation – Murat Ar made a presentation on activities of theAssociation, at thesecondday of theconferencewhichwasrealizedundertheguidance of theLet’s Do Itmovementleaders.

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