The representatives of Healthy Cities Network from Turkey, Russia, Finland, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Latvia, Israel, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania, Croatia, Serbia, Italy and Sweden participated in the training course organized by World Health Organization – European Healthy Cities Network in Turku, Finland, on 19 – 21 September 2016. Turkish Healthy Cities Association attended the training course organized by World Health Organization – the Secreteriat of European Healthy Cities Network and Finland Healthy Cities Network, along with representatives of Çankaya and Gebze Municipalities which are among its affiliate member municipalities.
The three day training programme included the topics of communication strategy of healthy cities network, the importance of using social media to improve communication skills, impacts of culture on health care, improving leadership and leadership skills, defining health and sustainable development in healthy cities, the upcoming training programmes that the coordinators of healthy cities network may join, and finally the context of the Annual Conference that will be held on 1 – 3 March 2017, in Pécs, Hungary.